Tag Archives: umweltschutz


DIY shower gel

the skin is our largest organ, so I think it is crazy that we unknowingly put foreign chemicals on it. I recently started making my own shower gel as body wash, using all natural ingredients. so I know exactly what goes into it. I can reuse my bottles and produce a plastic free beauty product. […]


normal is over

i had the pleasure to see the premier of the movie normal is over in the 22. festival internacional de cinema del medi ambient in barcelona, an environmental film festival. the movie is made over the last 4 years by this wonderful and inspiring lady Renee Sheltema, a Dutch documentary filmmaker and photographer.   Renee is worried […]


von der überfischung der meere

über 70% der erde ist meerwasser. seit jeher nutzen die menschen die oceane zum fischen. doch durch den enormen raubbau der industriellen fischerei sind die meere von überfischung bedroht. in den letzten 60 jahren sind die bestände um 90% gesunken. 3 von 4 fischbeständen gelten heute als überfischt. dabei sind 40% der gefangenen fische beifang […]


the story of stuff

this movie is about the way we make, use and throw away all the stuff in our lives. 99% of the things we produce is trash within 6 month. we are consuming so much stuff that we are running out of resources. but its not just resources that are wasted but people too. see why […]