Tag Archives: video


don´t waste your waste

the action of throwing things in a bin is so easy! we eat the take away on a nice bench in the park with our friends and the packaging goes in the next bin. bäm, as soon as it is out of our hand it´s out of our mind. but what is actually happening with it? and […]


interview with camille gaudin

i am happy to present you the interview with camille gaudin here! i met her in in the beautiful country of cambodia, while she was working on her ECO-SOURCING-PROJECT. with lots of passion she showed me the videos she made. i like the way she is creating a sensibility for the people and products she […]


it´s a plastic world

plastic is everywhere. we don´t think about it while using all those packages and items made of it. i would not write this article without my plastic-keyboard. but it is not only in our households anymore. its poluting our planet. more than a hundred million tonnes of plastic are drifting around the ocean. in some areas […]


do you know your slavery footprint?

what items do you own to make your life easier, more enjoyable and livable? where do all those products come from that we buy and use everyday? who and how many people where part of the production? where do the materials come from? its not always easy to give answers to those questions. when we […]