Tag Archives: hiking


exctraordinary shapes of nature

what is better than going on a trip out in nature after a hard working week and hike your way through breathtaking mountains and peaceful surroundings to charge your battery? does something come up to your mind? no? well then montserrat mountain in spain might be the destination for your next weekend trip. it is […]


wandern auf la gomera

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der landschaftliche reichtum der insel auf ihrer kleinen ausdehnung von 369quadratkilomentern machen la gomera zu einem beliebten reiseziel. laubreiche und moosbewachsene wälder, steile schluchten, felswände mit den unmöglichsten formationen, kleine dörfer gelegen am hang, steile kurvenreiche straßen und schwarze strände, all das hat die insel zu bieten. das gesamte jahr über herrscht hier ein mildes […]


what to take on a hikingtrip

hiking is one of my favorite ways to explore the world. when you walk you can go wherever your feet carry you and explore natures places without stint. but if you want to enjoy walking your bag should not be to heavy. my first hiking experience with camping gear was in new zealand around Lake […]