plastic is everywhere. we don´t think about it while using all those packages and items made of it. i would not write this article without my plastic-keyboard. but it is not only in our households anymore. its poluting our planet. more than a hundred million tonnes of plastic are drifting around the ocean. in some areas of the earth there is 60 times more plastic than plancton. how is that possible?
this great animated video “it´s a plastic world” shows the important facts about plastic.
are we going to allow the construction of the earth to continue? let´s act now!
immer wieder entfacht die debatte um schlechte arbeitsbedingungen in der kleidungsindustrie. das video der skandinavischen modebloggerinnen, die sich mit der situation der näherinnen in kambodscha vertraut gemacht haben, sorgt nun erneut für aufruhr. die mädchen haben die näherinnen kennengelernt und sich selbst an die nähmaschinen begeben und den job gemacht unter den bedingungen in den […]
at a party of a good firend of mine, i was eating this delicious bread. i almost get adicted and wanted to bake it myself. it is a really rich in fibre because it consists mostly of nuts and seeds. this is areally healthy meal, full of protein and gluten free.
you need
150g sun flower seeds
150g oats
100g flexseeds kibbled
50g hazelnuts
50g pumpkin seeds
3el soy flour
1el agave sirup
2 el coconut oil
500ml water
a pinch salt
so wirds gemacht
weigh out all dry ingridients and mix in a bowl
mix agave syrup, coconutoil and water, pour in the bowl with the seeds.
mix everything and leave it to soak for 4h until it is a sticky paste
pour the paste in a form covered with backing paper and make it even
bake for 30min in the oven with 180°, take out the bread and turn it around in the form, bake another time for 30 min from the other side.
after it cooled down you can cut it and enjoy with nice spreads or hummus.
good morning world. how shall we start the day? let´s do some yoga!
i haven´t done yoga for very long but i can say i live better since i am practicing almost every day. in pnom phen i met a girl just after she came back from a yoga retreat and she told me, she is addicted. at this time i thought she´s a weirdo, but i went to the same retreat a couple of weeks later. and since then i totally knew what she was talking about! it feels so good to stretch out the body and quieten the mind. knowing that you going to feel good while doing it and after will makes it easy to get out of bed and hop on your rubber mat.
if you are a newbie to yoga and you need a trainer to get started, it can be a pain in the ass to go to studio. you don´t know which studio is good, it is a half an hour walk to get there or you don´t want to pay a lot of money for a course. then make your own studio and meet an online youtube-trainer!
i am doing yoga like this with lesley fightmaster. she does a very good training for all, beginners and advanced level. on her you tube channel she started a free yoga class running everyday for 90 days. i am on day 30 now and i can feel how my body got stronger and more balanced since i began to train every morning one month ago.
lesley does a very varied training, some days there is challenging core work, on some days you get a good stretch and other lessons are just relaxing. after savasana she always says a quote which makes me feel happy and mindful. she has a really good sense to spread positive energy and love. i feel connected and it makes my day.
check it out!
after finishing the session i drink half a liter of water with lemon and meditate for 10minutes to close the practice. then i enjoy my breakfast and start my day powerful and balanced.
try it for a little while and you will see how your body gets more flexible as wall as your mind!