All posts by wildherzig


vegan christmas baking

do you feel this christmas mood already like me? after a few years of travelling on christmas, this year i am with my family in germany and i am already in such a cosy mood. i started a vegan christmas baking, these little goodies spread some sweet love around. here i share my recipes with […]


permaculture I: penyaflor

my first experience in this permaculture self-experiment is starting in a small finca named permacultura penyaflor in spain, located near tortosa and 2,5 hours away from barcelona. cecile, a french women, the owner of the permaculture site and main organizer picks me up from the train station to bring me to her 6ha property. after […]


in search of paradise

foreword of my book: in search of paradise. Further chapters to be shared soon… if you have your eyes and ears open, you might have noticed, that we are living on this planet in a way that soon might cause us to need a replacement. well, we don´t have one. even if the efforts and […]


how privileged are you?

an article freely translated and addapted from niemblog more and more i meet people who fled horrible life circumstances, war zones and hunger. if i see the media showing actual situation about the refugee crisis, horrible life conditions in camps and people waiting for asylum apart from their families for more than a year, i […]