
pear-millet desert with vanilla custard

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a yummy sweet dessert can give some nice warm energy in your tummy and heats up every grey winter day



here is the recipe:


  • 1 cup of millet
  • 6 pears
  • 2 rod cinnamon
  • ageve syrup
  • 500ml soy milk
  • 1pck vanilla custard powder

how you make this




  1. boil millet in 3 times the amount of water, let it simmer for 5 minutes, turn of the heat and cover the pot with a lid, leave it for 10 minutes until the water is completely soaked.
  2. wash the pears, quarter them and remove the core, cut in small pieces. put in a pot with the cinnamon and agave syrup and a bit of water. boil slowly until pears are soft.
  3. take out the cinnamon and squish the pears with a blender until smooth.
  4. cook the vanilla custard with 500ml soy milk and agave syrup as much as you wish,as written on the package. 
  5. now take all three parts of the desert and stuff in a glas or bowl layer by layer, you can enjoy the desert warm or let it cool down in the fridge.


enjoy, mnjam mnjam!